Naturopathic Health Regeneration

Symptoms or Causes?

Treating “Symptoms”....

Listen.... Your body is trying to tell you something! The body has many ways to say: “Hey!... something isn’t right here, and you need to do something to correct it NOW, before it gets worse!” ....the pain, swelling, fever, aches, anxiety, inflammation, colds/flu, low energy, depression, skin problems, chronic bronchitis, fungus, etc.?

What does it mean?....

These symptoms are the body’s natural immune response to a condition that is building up. It is only trying to protect us by getting rid of toxins and acidic wastes.

What does everyone usually do when they receive one of these signals? We think we must STOP IT!, suppress it, make it go away, or we could ignore it, thinking we'll have to live with it (it’s just a part of growing old, right?) If our symptoms are more severe, we go to a doctor who is trained and knows by our symptoms exactly what name to give our condition. He’ll give you just the right drugs, chemicals, radiation or surgery to “treat” this condition. Side effects?... He also knows the right drugs to treat those too!

This seems to be what we want.... a quick simple fix to relieve and suppress our symptoms while we continue our lifestyle and eating habits as usual. Actually most doctors aren’t allowed to offer nutritional advice or admit that there is any connection between disease and food.

CAN ANYONE SEE?.... the doctors are just “treating and suppressing symptoms”! Even some holistic or naturopathic doctors that use all natural supplements, vitamins, pro-biotics, etc. are still just treating diseases and symptoms.

When will we say: “What is CAUSING this condition?

So What IS The Cause? ....

Treating symptoms NEVER addresses or cures the “cause”.
     - What is CAUSING your condition to develop?
     - How does the body either become weaker or regenerate itself?
     - What causes our cells and tissues to fail?
     - What causes symptoms and how do we reverse them?

Let’s Think a Minute...
It’s true, you are what you eat.... but.....
     You are also what you can digest,
     You are also what you can absorb,
     You are also what you are able to utilize,
     You are also what you are able to eliminate

Definition of “auto-intoxication”:
“Self-poisoning resulting from the stagnation of
waste products from metabolism, decomposed intestinal matter,
or other toxins trapped within the body.”

Acid Waste Build-Up....

As you know, the human body is perpetually exposed to an untold number of toxic chemicals and synthetic elements in today’s modern societies. These substances, if not eliminated from the body, settle in the tissues and contribute to the systemic degeneration of one’s health through the course of time.

Compounding this problem is the unhealthy and damaging dietary habits and traditions humans have developed and become accustomed to, resulting in systemic over-acidity within the body and eventually impeding the body’s innate ability to detoxify itself (from damage caused to its eliminative organs). The resulting TOXICITY and ACIDOSIS are the two root causes of the vast unprecedented decline of our health.


Blame the Bacteria....

The conventional way of looking at a symptom or dis-ease is to say you’ve got a germ, fungus or bacteria causing the problem. Or maybe a “cancer” (like it was a separate entity) just struck you out of the blue.

The naturopathic way of thinking is about your body’s systems. The acidic condition of your cells and tissues is systemic, meaning all through your body. Symptoms will show up in your weaker organs or areas. Your body has a natural response to this acidity with a “buffering system.” It will draw calcium out of tissue and bones. It will produce cholesterol in an attempt to control the acidity. Mother nature responds with the “clean-up crew” - (bacteria, parasites, etc.) to break down the acid wastes and damaged cells.

So think “terrain” instead of bacteria as the cause. The culturing terrain will be suitable to either grow or not grow bacteria.


What if there was a way to allow Nature and the perfection of our Creator to restore health to our bodies?

What if all we had to do was....
- detoxify
- alkalize
- regenerate - using nature’s botanical herbs
- rebuild - eating energetically “alive” foods

    “The lower the energy of the food you eat, the lower your systemic energy becomes. This creates hypoactive or underactive tissues. The more energetic the foods are that you eat, the more vibrant and healthy you become. As we increase the energy of the physical body, we lift ourselves up out of despair and disease. This opens the senses to a whole new world of understanding and health. The vitality you can achieve is indescribable; it can only be experienced.

    The body is a tremendous machine; fully aware of itself, with self-healing and cleaning mechanisms already built in. The body can get so healthy that you don’t even realize that you are using it. No aches, no pains, no weaknesses, only pure energy. If you wish to experience this pure energy you must consume pure energy. It’s that simple. Have vitality, have dynamic energy, have fun, go raw!”
                                    - from “The Detox Miracle Sourcebook,” by Robert Morse, N.D.


Naturopathic Health Regeneration
For Your Health! - You are invited to watch the many awesome YouTube videos of Dr. Robert Morse. He explains in simple to understand language, how YOU create dis-ease in your body, how your great lymphatic system works, how to detoxify and regenerate your health through diet and botanical herbs, and much more.