Naturopathic Health Regeneration

Naturopathic vs. Conventional

Naturopathic......   Comes from the words “Nature” (Natural - the way God intended), and “Path” (the Way).

Naturopathic medicine is considered a traditional method of healing, using natural foods and botanical herbs that have been known for their healing qualities for hundreds of years.

Conventional (or Western)
Medical Thinking
A medical doctor looks at all your symptoms, then gives you a “Name” for your disease.
Dis-eases are not named. The body is looked at as a whole. Conditions of cells and tissues are simply cause and effect.
Symptoms are treated (suppressed) using drugs and chemicals (with many side effects). Some diseases are treated by cutting out the bad part or burning it with radiation and chemotherapy.
Does not “Treat” symptoms or diseases. Your body is helped to detoxify, strengthen and regenerate using certain foods, herbs and other natural therapies.
Bacteria, Germs, Parasites....
Bacteria and other microbes are found where there are damaged cells, so they are believed to be the cause of the disease. Solution - kill them all with anti-biotics. Of course, this also kills the necessary bacteria in your gut and immune system.
Bacteria, Germs, Parasites....
Bacteria, germs, etc. are everywhere in and around us. Their purpose is to break down damaged cells and acidic wastes. It is a natural process, not the cause of disease. The lymph system then removes these wastes from the body.
Food - Health Connection....
Many doctors do not recognize any relation between food and health. Usually, any nutritional advice they do give is mis-informed.
Food - Health Connection....
Food is directly related to the condition of your health. Alkalizing foods such as raw, organic fruits and veggies have the highest energy and health regeneration qualities.
The Lymphatic System....
Most doctors are taught very little about the body’s lymphatic system. This limits their understanding of where symptoms come from.
The Lymphatic System....
The inability to eliminate wastes sufficiently from the body is an issue associated with the typical acidic American diet. The importance of the lymphatic system is key to understanding the dis-ease process.

Naturopathic Health Regeneration
For Your Health! - You are invited to watch the many awesome YouTube videos of Dr. Robert Morse. He explains in simple to understand language, how YOU create dis-ease in your body, how your great lymphatic system works, how to detoxify and regenerate your health through diet and botanical herbs, and much more.