Naturopathic Health Regeneration

The 4 Processes Necessary for Health....

There are 4 processes in the body that a true Naturopathic doctor will look at when assessing your health. These processes must be working properly if you are going to get well. This is how to begin reversing your symptoms and adverse health conditions and lead you on a path back to well-being.

1.    Digestion......

The first stage is the food processing phase (digestion) involving predominately the pancreas. The gallbladder is also involved and hydrolizes lipids (fats).

What would show that your digestion is not working properly?
Undigested food in your stools, burping gas, passing gas, bloaty, cramping, stomach acid issues, ulcers, “leaky gut”, etc.

How do you improve digestion?.....
First - fix elimination (see below)
Second - change to a raw high-fruit diet and understand proper food combining.
Use herb formulas for stomach and bowel, lymph system, pancreas, liver/gallbladder.
Note: Dr. Morse does not use probiotics or digestive enzymes (natural enzymes are found in raw, living fruits and vegetables).

2.    Absorption......

What would show that absorption is not working properly?
Excessive thinness, any bowel conditions - IBS, chrones, inflammation, diverticulitis, spastic or constricted bowels, etc. Any malabsorption issues can also be seen by having a practitioner look at your iris.

What blocks absorption?
Mucoid plaque, proteins (particularly dairy), gluten (a protein) is like glue. Your typical sandwich is meat (protein) mixed with grain (gluten) and acts like paper mache sticking on the bowel wall. Absorption can be blocked interstitially, by the lymph system being stagnate. Nutrition can’t get in and wastes can’t get out.

How do you improve absorption?.....
First - fix elimination (see below).
Second - change to a raw high-fruit diet and understand proper food combining.
Use herb formulas for lymph system, stomach and bowel (removes inflammation and impactions in bowel wall)

3.    Utilization......

We utilize our nutrients through processes with hormones, steroids, neuro-transmitters, etc. from our endocrine glands, mainly the adrenals and parathyroid (calcium).

What would show that utilization is not working properly?
Apparent mineral deficiencies, calcium related issues (weak connective tissue, vascular weakness, hardening of joints and arteries, other calcifications), weak adrenals and parathyroid glands

The all important adrenal glands....
- produce around 24 mineral cortical steroids needed to be present for proper metabolism or utilization.
- adrenals are also responsible for sugar metabolism

So, how can you say you are deficient in something if you are not digesting, absorbing, or utilizing properly? You can’t. You can take vitamin and mineral supplements, but they still won’t be usable. Also, taking these isolated supplements in an effort to force the body will just ultimately cause more of an imbalance along with side effects.

How do you improve utilization?.....
First - fix elimination (see below).
Second - change to a raw high-fruit diet and understand proper food combining.
Use herb formulas for endocrine glands especially adrenals and parathyroid, work on lymph system.

4.    Elimination......

There are 2 types of wastes that our body needs to eliminate to keep us healthy.

- Digestive wastes - from the foods we eat, plus mucus on the bowel wall, wastes trapped in bowel pockets (diverticuli). Dr. Morse’s GI Broom formula is highly astringent and will draw these wastes from the wall to remove them.

- Cellular and Metabolic wastes - The lymph fluid around every cell receives these wastes, takes it to the lymph nodes to be broken down by bacteria, then is delivered through the lymph vessels to the kidneys, which filters the wastes out to be excreted in the urine.

Poor elimination of cellular wastes is the number 1 problem in most people.
This is because of a very acidic body and stagnate lymph system.
Elimination of wastes must be fixed first,
before you can have proper digestion, absorption and utilization.

What would show that elimination is not working properly?
Poor elimination of wastes (which means an acidic body) shows up as many symptoms... pain, inflammation, swelling, stiffness, skin rashes, congestion, any lymphatic problem, etc.

How do you improve elimination?.....
Diet is always number 1.... change to a raw high-fruit diet and understand proper food combining.
Always go after the kidneys (must be filtering), lymph system (must be moving), and also go after the digestive system. Note that the blood is not an eliminative pathway to the outside world. The skin is our largest eliminative organ, removing acidic wastes and gasses. Work on the skin by dry brushing and sweating.

Notes on proper food combining....

  • - protein requires an acid medium to break down
  • - carbs require an alkaline environment
  • - when these two types of food are consumed together (like meat and potatoes, bread or pasta), the chemistry is neutralized and the food just sits there and is very slow to digest
  • - fruit has simple sugars, amino acids and fatty acids and is very easy and fast to digest. Best to eat fruits alone around a half hour before other foods.
  • - it is not recommended to combine fruits at the same meal as proteins or complex starches because they require different enzymes and processes, resulting in a lot longer time for complete digestion.
  • - it is also not recommended to drink water at a meal because it dilutes the digestive chemistry too much.


Naturopathic Health Regeneration

For Your Health! - You are invited to watch the many awesome YouTube videos of Dr. Robert Morse. He explains in simple to understand language, how YOU create dis-ease in your body, how your great lymphatic system works, how to detoxify and regenerate your health through diet and botanical herbs, and much more.